Archive for January, 2018

Getting over despair the Dark way

Good lord, the news is depressing. Crushing. Utterly infuriating. It’s exhausting even to peruse headlines these days.

It’s odd that, in the midst of such persistent gloom, I’ve retreated to playing some of the absolute most crushingly depressing games. Dark Souls 3 and Darkest Dungeon are games that openly antagonize you – games that layer mechanic atop mechanic and, once you’ve learned those mechanics, they throw you a curve ball. I am, in the middle of the above video, outraged to find that an update has apparently added a “stealth” mechanic to certain enemies in Darkest Dungeon.

But, as you’ll see above, just as they introduced it, I quickly discovered the ways to circumvent it and destroy such enemies inside of a few turns. There’s always hope.

I also, stupidly, watched Devilman Crybaby on Netflix, which is just not advisable if you don’t want to become a crybaby yourself. It is simultaneously so-dumb-it’s-brilliant anime and a sobering reflection on the dark tendencies of humanity. As in, what you don’t need right now.

It’s why I’ve retreated to so much myth lately, I think, as I did in my latest for Paste magazine, which I’m proud of.

I’m going to defeat Darkest Dungeon, guys. It mocks me. It digs its claws into me. But I beat TWO bosses just sitting down last night, after months of throwing the game aside. You’ve just got to work through the fear, trust that you know what you’re doing, stay frosty, and don’t give up hope.


Project Dawn: Laying the cornerstone

A rendering of Ragnarok by Emil Doeppler. | Wikipedia Commons

So, I haven’t actually really elaborated much on exactly what Project Dawn is intended to be. Put simply, it’s my attempt at a dark fantasy game, put within a traditional JRPG framework (because that’s what I can currently program). I’ve been inspired lately by the copious amount of mythology and comparative mythology I’ve read, ancient world history I’ve studied, and games like Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls. As I begin the long process of what I hope to be a fully playable, fully-featured game, here are some of the things I want to implement in it, and what it means for my process as I build this in the robust game engine that is RPG Maker MV: Read more…

Project Dawn update: The Oldest Stories

You’ve heard this one before.

One of the subject areas I come back to time and again is mythology. If you look at the various branches of humanity, consider how far apart they were, and then look at the similarities between major cultural mythological cycles. That they have so much in common, particularly the Indo-European mythological cycles like the Vedic, Celtic, Greek and Norse stories, seems to indicate that there’s something deeply similar across cultures. We’re talking about stories that came to their tellers in the time when the world was only what you saw, and the chilling nightmares you imagined.

The fact this sits at the root of works of fantasy like Tolkien’s Legendarium, the forefather of all role-playing games as we know them today, makes old mythology a sort of progenitor of the branch of gaming I’m interested in adding to. I’ve also been playing a bit of Dark Souls 3 again, and well… it does unhealthy things to somebody’s thought process where obsession over legends and stories are concerned. I think it might be why I’m incorporating mythology into my game. Read more…

My new year’s resolution in 2018: Project Dawn

The Flying Carpet, by Viktor Vasnetsov. Via Wikipedia Commons.

I have spent the past few years back here in the United States wanting to produce some work of art, and various things keep getting in the way. The truth is that I let them get in the way, of course, and so my New Year’s Resolution for 2018 is to actually finish making something. I’m honing in on that something being a game, since I’ve wanted to make one for a while and the various things I’ve learned and figured out how to make work have added up to what I think could be a solid game concept.

RPG Maker MV remains a great utility, and a great community that periodically unloads important updates and powerful plugins into the public sphere, ready for integration.

I’m going to try to catalog my ongoing developer project here, starting with the broader concepts at play in the game and then talking about how I go about problem solving and overcoming the barriers to the game being the way I want.

In my perfect world, I’d finish the game using vanilla assets – those assets which come with the game maker utility – and then, upon doing so, contract with artists and programmers to create the original assets necessary to make it its own unique game.

Somebody once told me I shouldn’t say “I hope I stick with it” because the one who determines whether I stick with it is me. So I’m going to say that I will. Stay tuned for more info as I get this project off the ground.